Reviews of 2020
Festival Feature Films

A selection of reviews, notes & discussions of the feature films coming up for our 2020 festival.


Lineup Secured for
Athens Jewish Film Festival



From a Conversation with Ron Zell, Athens JFF President

“Being a smaller festival means access to films is more difficult than larger ones like the Atlanta Jewish Film Festival. There’s a long screening process in which a committee…watches each movie and filters through which they’d like to show before attempting to secure rights to the movies….
“There’s a lot less people on the board, which means there is more to make sure gets done right. However, the board sees payoff from their hard work with the success of the festival and looks forward to a great turnout this year as well.”
Read the full article on the toils and payoffs of assembling each year’s festival >>

Reviews of our 2020 Opening Night Gala Feature Film

Our 2020 Opening Night Gala Film is the acclaimed “Fiddler: Miracle of Miracles,” at the Georgia Museum of Art.

New York Times
“A fascinating love letter to ‘Fiddler on the Roof’ asks: What makes the quintessentially Jewish musical speak to everyone?”(More)

The Guardian
“Surprising revelations and praise from famous fans add to the appeal of this documentary about the world-conquering Broadway musical Fiddler on the Roof.” (More)

Los Angeles Times
“Review: ‘Fiddler: A Miracle of Miracles’ speaks to the heart” (More)

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2020 Reviews, Notes & More…

Guardian “The Keeper”

Roger Ebert  “Bag of Marbles”

Atlanta Jewish Times “Mr. & Mrs. Adelman”

The Young FolksThe Second Time Around”

Hollywood Reporter “The Tobacconist”

Jerusalem Post  “Echo”

Movie NationHoly Lands”

New York Times  “A Fortunate Man”